Create a sequence table inside a MultiAmplicon object.

makeSequenceTableMulti(MA, mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L), ...)



MultiAmplicon-class object with mergers slot filled


number of compute cores to use parallelizing computations over different amplicons. Only available on *nix systems.


additional parameters to be passed to the makeSequenceTable function of dada2. All arguments to the function can be given as a vector of the same length as the number of primer pairs in the MultiAmplicon object, allowing to specify different parameters for each amplicon. If a shorter vector is given it will be recycled to match the number of amplicons.


A MultiAmplicon-class object with the sequenceTable slot filled


This is a wrapper for the makeSequenceTable function of dada2. It works on an MultiAmplicon-class object with the mergers slot filled. Use dadaMulti and derepMulti on an amplicon sorted (see sortAmplicons) MultiAmplicon-class object to preprocess your multi-marker data to this point.


Emanuel Heitlinger